Wednesday, June 19, 2013


1. Priest welcomes the person and they do the sign of the corss together. The priest may read a passage from the Scpirture and explain the meaning.

2. They tell the priest how long it has been since he or she last went to the Sacrament of Reconcilitaion. They talk about life and acknowledging their sins.
3. Say some prayers with the Priest.
4. The priest gives you absolution
Do5. Do penance as soon as you can.

What Happens in the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation?

Define the word Reconcilliation
  1. To re-establish a close relatioship between
  2. To settle or resove
  3. To restore a friendship or harmony
Four things have to happen when we recieve the Sacrament of the Reconcilliation:
  1. We must truley feel sorry for our sins
  2. We must confess our sins to a priest
  3. We must be willing to make amends from harm made when we sinned
  4. We must recieve absolutions and the forgiveness from the priest.
The Sacrament of Reconcilliation includes the following steps:
  1. Examination of Conscience
  2. Confession of sins
  3. Receive Penance
  4. Pray the Act of Contrition
  5. Recieve Absolution
Examination of Conscience
  • Before you go to confession, you should take time to think about ways you have hurt your relatioship with God. Have you sinned?
  • Think about the Ten Commandments and ask yourself if you have broken any of these.
What happens during Confession?
  1. Enter the confessional and kneel or sit
  2. Bless yourself with the Sign of the Cross and say "Bless me, Father for i have sinned." State how long has it been since your last confession
  3. The priest may read a passage from the bible
  4. The priest will ask you to confess your sins
  5. The priest will give you your penance (usually prayers or actions you must do)
  6. The priest will invite you to pray the Act of Contrition
  7. The priest says a prayer, and in the name of Jesus, absolves your sins
  8. Thank the priest and leave the confession
  9. Do your penance as soon as you can

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


1. What makes people want to say sorry?

People feel quilts about what they have done and feel bad for the people effected by their actions. 

2. How is the sacrament reconciliation a celebration?

You are celebrating God forgiving your sins.

3. Name some selfish attitudes which lead to selfish actions that might be confessed, for example, greed leads to stealing.

Gossiping leads to untrue rumours
Jealousy leads to back stabbing

4. List the feelings associated with sin and its consequences (e.g: guilt, alienation, loneliness) 


5. What are some of the consequences of sin?

Separation form your loved ones
Sin can be harmful to others

6. Does everyone have a conscience? What is it?

Yes, a conscience is what makes you think twice abut your actions before you do so.

7. Suggest three questions that would help someone to examine his or her conscience? 

• what are the consequences for me?
• How will this effect someone else?
• would God approve of this

Sunday, June 16, 2013


What happens when we sin?

When we sin, we don’t just break a law, we break our communion, our unity with God. But we also break our communion with the Church.

When did Reconciliation begin?

in 1215

Why do we confess to a priest?

Is because the bible says states that he will forgive our sins.

Why do we need to confess out loud?

But by confessing our sins out loud, we take “responsibility for them, and thereby open [ourselves] again to God and to the communion of the Church in order to make a new future possible”

What is a contrite heart?

Someone who is deeply sorry, someone who feels guilty and wants to make the situation right.

Look up definitions for mortal and venial sins?

Mortal- an unpardonable sin entailing a total loss of grace; "theologians list seven mortal sins".
 Venial- (in Roman Catholicism) A relatively slight sin that does not entail damnation of the soul.

What does it mean to be 'out of communion?"

Is when the bond between you and God has been broken.

Can a priest tell anyone about your confessed Sin? Explain?

A priest can not use the information or knowledge of the sin to anyone. It's called a 'sacramental seal'because “what the penitent has made known to a priest remains “sealed” by the sacrament

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bible Reading Questions

Question 1- Who, What, When, About?

Jesus and the people around him, Jesus crossed the lake to help cure people, Walking by the lake, He is around the lake and talking to people.

Question 2- Why was the lady courageous

Because she knew she was sick and believed in Jesus. She took the chance of touching him to cure herself

                      How did she show her faith?

 By believing in him and seeking him out to touch him

                       Why was Jesus compassionate?

Because he knew that she had faith and was very sick. He wanted to show that he  knew what she had done and hoped she was okay. He was awarding her faith towards him.

Question 3- How did the groups of people differ in the two stories?

The lady was a common person but in the other story it is the religious leaders daughter.

                     Did Jesus care about 'social status'?

No he cared for all people poor or rich, if they needed help he would help them.

                     How can we apply this message (see judge act) in our life.

By doing the same, caring for others no matter what social status.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Core Catholic Beliefs during this unit of God

  • God
  • Son of God
  • Trinity
  • Holy Spirirt
  • Eternal Life
  • Pentecost
  • Jesus and Gods relationship
  • Marys different apparitions


The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit


  • the Holy Spirit acts as a guide, as we make decisions and choices.
  • as the giver of the Holy Spirit is associated with the breath of God which moves over the void (Genesis 2:2) and is breathed into humanity at its creation (Genesis 2:7)
  • the Holy Spirit is the living memory if the mighty deeds of Jesus (John 14:26)
  • the Holy Spirit is the source of inspiration within human beings to find their full humanity.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


What is the definition of Pentecost?

Pentecost is the great festival that marks the birth of the Christian church by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost means "fiftieth day" and is celebrated fifty days after Easter.

When was Pentecost first celebrated (which century?)

The first Pentcost was celebtarted 50 days after Easter. The scripture says he came down in a fire and the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirirt.

Who / what is the Holy Spirit?

It is believed to be the love between God and Jesus.

What happened at Pentecost?

Ten days after Jesus ascended into heaven, the twelve apostles, Jesus' mother and family, and many other of His disciples gathered together in Jerusalem for the Jewish harvest festival that was celebrated on the fiftieth day after Passover. While they were indoors praying, a sound like that of a rushing wind filled the house and tongues of fire descended and rested over each of their heads. This was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on human flesh promised by God through the prophet Joel. The disciples were suddenly empowered to proclaim the gospel of the risen Christ. They went out into the streets of Jerusalem and began preaching to the crowds gathered for the festival. Not only did the disciples preach with boldness and vigor, but by a miracle of the Holy Spirit they spoke in the native languages of the people present, many who had come from all corners of the Roman Empire. This created a sensation. The apostle Peter seized the moment and addressed the crowd, preaching to them about Jesus' death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins. The result was that about three thousand converts were baptized that day

What part of the year is Pentecost celebrated?

50 days after Easter.

What is Jesus really saying to the folks here - John's Gospel (20:19-23). It tells of a visit of the Risen Christ to the disciples huddled in fear. "Peace be with you," Jesus says. "As the Father sent me, so I am sending you." After saying this, Jesus breathed on them and added, "Receive the Holy Spirit." The breath, the life, of Jesus himself. We are God-breathed. Pentecost celebrates that reality.

It is Jesus giving the Holy Spirit to the disciples. The Holy Spirit is the love between God and Jesus, meaning Jesus is giving his love.

What seems to happen when people allow this divine Spirit to energize them?

Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

What we Believe about Jesus

Question 1) Who is Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ is God the Son, who became man for us.

Questoin 2) Is Jesus Christ truly God?

Jesus Christ is truly God, the Second Person of the Trinity, The Son, the Eternal Qord, who with the Father and the Holy Spirirt always was, is, and always will be. 'In the beginning was the Word'.

Question 3) Is Jesus truly man?

Jesus Christ is truly man because he has the nature of man, having a body and soul.

Question 4) Was Jesus Christ always man?

Jesus Christ was not always man but he became man in the womb of the Virgin Mary.

Question 5) What do we call the mystery of God becoming man?

We call this mystery 'The Incarnation' which means that God the Son became man, a human being like us in all things except sin. 'The word was made flesh and dwelt amoung us' (John 1:14).

Question 6) How many natures are there in Jesus?

There are 2 natures in Jesus, the Divine nature of God and the Human nature of man.

Question 7) Why did God the Son, become Man?

God the Son became Man to free us from sin and open to us the way to Heaven and ever lasting life with God.

Question 8) What does the name Jesus mean?

The name Jesus means 'Saviour'

Question 9) What doe the name Christ mean?

The name Christ means 'Anointed'

Question 10) What do these names tell us?

That Jesus was anointed by God the Father to be our saviour.